As the saying goes, the show must go on... and at ARK we are doing just that. When Plan A didn't come to fruition we decided to produce a series of comedic one act plays in it's place. 4 Queens Wait for Henry, The Ark, Vigilante, Cherman Meow and Whose Line Is It Romeo? combine in this hysterical show, with something for everybody. 4 Queens Wait for Henry: Written by: L. du Garde Peach Directed by: Lisa McNiven The Ark: Written by: Sue Ashby Directed by: Alan and Sue Ashby Cherman Meow: Written and Directed by: Julie Cunningham Whose Line Is It Romeo? Written and Directed by: Isabella Preston Vigilante Written and Directed by: Pejay Armstrong Cast: Alan Ashby, Chantelle Ball, Rosey Cullinan, Hope Cunningham, Julie Cunningham, Rachel Enders, Mason Frost, Kurtis Hoegel-Klinch, Alison Jones, Cathie Lee, Tim McClimont, Patricia McCracken, Grace McNiven, Alex O'Neill, Isabella Preston, Sue Rosenwax, Alexandra Saunders, Chelsea Scott, Jason Triggs, |