Synopsis Ross, a young executive, is sentenced to weekly visits to assist Mr. Green, an elderly pensioner he almost hit with his car. What begins as a comedy about two very different men who do not want to spend time together, turns into something much more, as they get to know each other's lives and secrets. Cast Mr. Green - Robert Trott Ross Gardiner - Andrew Tomazos Production Team Director/Set Realisation - Lisa McNiven Stage Manager - Connie Bram Assistant Director; Assistant Stage Manager & Sound Design - Grace McNiven Lighting Design - Gordon Boyd Lighting Operation - Alex O'Neill Sound Operation - Stuart Production Coordinators - Ann O’Connor & Rosey Cullinan Props Master - Kate Deavin Prompts - Grace McNiven, Ann O'Connor, Kate Deavin Wardrobe - Cast Cultural Advisor - Sue Rosenwax Set Design and Construction - Jimmy Dunne Front of House Manager: Rosey Cullinan Ticketing: Rosey Cullinan |
Dates: Friday 5 April at 8:00pm
Saturday 6 April at 2:15pm Sunday 7 April at 4:00pm Friday 12 April at 8:00pm Saturday 13 April at 8:00pm Sunday 14 April at 4:00pm Venue: Lilydale Heights College Performing Arts Centre 17 Nelson Rd, Lilydale (enter Gate 2) |